Thank you! May God bless you for your abundant generosity!
Outcomes & Results
And now it's time to CELEBRATE!
And now it's time to CELEBRATE!
The Tenth Annual #iGiveCatholic on GivingTuesday was a tremendous success, fueling the mission-critical programs of our beloved Catholic ministries! Thank you for doing your part in uniting Catholics through this special day of giving. We celebrate YOU for your generosity. And we celebrate all of the good our Catholic community does every day of the year.
Please save the date for our next #iGiveCatholic on GivingTuesday: December 2nd, 2025!
#iGiveCatholic inspires faithful stewards to "Give Back and Give Catholic" on GivingTuesday, a global day of generosity and kindness. The mission of #iGiveCatholic is to unite Catholic communities and donors throughout the country to express their generosity in support of the organizations that have helped to shape our lives of faith…our parishes, schools, and ministries.

2024 Prizes For Participating Organizations winners announced!
Congratulations to all #iGiveCatholic 2024 Prizes for Participating Organizations winners and a huge thanks to those who helped each ministry earn them!